1 vote

Option to disable JavaScript

Add an option to disable JavaScript.
This may, however, inadvertently cripple Surfy if switched on by accident. Thought needs to go into this feature's implementation.

danielvaughan, 16.11.2014, 20:12
Idea status: under consideration


Link, 16.11.2014, 21:30
Thank you for submitting this on my behalf, I did not know of this feedback site.

It would be possible to have the toggle directly in the ... Menu, as "incognito browser" has done. Show a warning the first time someone uses it. To suggest more, I'd need to know exactly how much of the interface relies on JavaScript. I'm not a WP developer myself but I am very well versed in the technical limitations.

Would tabs work? Can you parse the domain of a tab and enable/disable JavaScript, without the use of JavaScript? If yes, then I think we can work with that.

A global on/off switch would be fine imo if it doesn't prevent the use of tabs. If it does... Well, I'm sure you can preserve existing tabs to be restored upon re-enabling JS.

If you wanted to get fancy you might attempt a whitelist mode or blacklist- whitelist being JS only enables for specific sites, OR, blacklist (obviously) just disables JS on the specified site.

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